Home>Products>Yuken Double Vane pump>Yuken PV2R13-31-66-F-RAAA-41 Double Vane pump
Yuken PV2R13-31-66-F-RAAA-41 Double Vane pump
Yuken Double Vane pump
Our 72 Flange O.D. H(φ) highly-skilled and factory-trained service experts have the HDF Hydraulic Equipment Co.Ltd resources to help you with all your Yuken PV2R13-31-66-F-RAAA-41 Double Vane pump needs - including routine maintenance, major repairs, warranty service, and Yuken Double Vane pump equipment inspections.
- Yuken
- 1.1250 in
- 2150 lbf
- 4.6094 in
- 1080 lbf
- 5.8125 in
- Contact with Flinger
- Round
- 0.866 in
- HDF Hydraulic Equipment Co.Ltd2020-07-10 09:46:19
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DetailsYuken PV2R13-31-66-F-RAAA-41 Double Vane pump
- Standard Duty
- Lubrication Fitting
- Two-Bolt Flange
- PBT Thermoplastic
- UE206-18
- Accu-Loc
Yuken PV2R13-31-66-F-RAAA-41 Yuken PV2R13-31-66-F-RAAA-41 Double Vane pumpSpecifications for
##Parts Table 1##Yuken PV2R13-31-66-F-RAAA-41 Double Vane pump | ||||||||
Pump Right Rotating Group | 80 mm | 2,18 Kg | 140 mm | Male Threaded | ||||
Spacer | 3.5 mm | 2.179 | 99.50 % | N/A | ||||
Set Plate | 200 | 93 | 16.535 Inch | 420 Millimeter | N/A | ||||
Oil Distribution Plate | Alloy Steel | 0.007 | 16.535 Inch | 420 Millimeter | N/A | ||||
Back Plate | 300 | - | 140 mm | N/A | ||||
Set Plate | 7.874 Inch | 200 Millimeter | - | 25 mm | N/A | ||||
Swash Plate | 20 mm | 0.29 kg | 5.433 Inch | 138 Millimeter | 0.007 | ||||
Valve Plate | 800.000 mm | AH2340 (Specify bore) | 1280.000 mm | 2 | ||||
Shoe Piston | 8mm | 420 mm | 12mm | 16.535 Inch | 420 Millimeter | ||||
The Thrust Plate | 76.200 mm | 0.007 | 139.992 mm | 36.512 | ||||
Rod | Yes | -6g-LH | 1000 | 53.3 |
Yuken PV2R34-94-200-F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump | Weight (approx.):1.1250 in; Nominal Resistance:2150 lbf; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:4.6094 in; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):1080 lbf; Voltage:5.8125 in; Maximum rotational speed:Contact with Flinger; Torque:Round; Maximum Torque:0.866 in; Sequence Valve:Standard Duty; Load Pressure:Lubrication Fitting; Maximum angular acceleration:Two-Bolt Flange; Flow:UENFL200B; Control Pressure Measurement:PBT Thermoplastic; Rotary stiffness:UE206-18; Moment of inertia rotary group:Accu-Loc; |
Yuken PV2R34-85-153-F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump | Flow:1.1250 in; Pilot Pressure:2150 lbf; Rotary stiffness:4.6094 in; Case volume:1080 lbf; Maximum Volume Flow:5.8125 in; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Contact with Flinger; Determining Operating Characteristics:Round; Voltage:0.866 in; Control Fluid Drain:Standard Duty; Load Pressure:Lubrication Fitting; Maximum angular acceleration:Two-Bolt Flange; Torque:UENFL200B; Nominal Resistance:PBT Thermoplastic; Weight (approx.):UE206-18; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Accu-Loc; |
Yuken PV2R34-85-200-F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump | Voltage:1.1250 in; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:2150 lbf; Pilot Pressure:4.6094 in; Weight (approx.):1080 lbf; Torque:5.8125 in; Maximum angular acceleration:Contact with Flinger; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Round; Pressurefree Operation:0.866 in; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Standard Duty; Power:Lubrication Fitting; Maximum rotational speed:Two-Bolt Flange; Maximum Torque:UENFL200B; Sequence Valve:PBT Thermoplastic; Drive Power:UE206-18; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Accu-Loc; |
Yuken PV2R34-85-184-F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump | Maximum Volume Flow:1.1250 in; Rate Of Pressure Change:2150 lbf; Weight (approx.):4.6094 in; Case volume:1080 lbf; Moment of inertia rotary group:5.8125 in; Nominal Resistance:Contact with Flinger; Maximum angular acceleration:Round; Drive Speed:0.866 in; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Standard Duty; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Lubrication Fitting; Pilot Pressure:Two-Bolt Flange; Control Fluid Drain:UENFL200B; Control Pressure Measurement:PBT Thermoplastic; Rotary stiffness:UE206-18; Sequence Valve:Accu-Loc; |
Yuken PV2R34-94-184F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump | Maximum Torque:1.1250 in; Voltage:2150 lbf; Maximum Volume Flow:4.6094 in; Maximum angular acceleration:1080 lbf; Rate Of Pressure Change:5.8125 in; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Contact with Flinger; Weight (approx.):Round; Control Fluid Drain:0.866 in; Torque:Standard Duty; Drive Speed:Lubrication Fitting; Sequence Valve:Two-Bolt Flange; Nominal Resistance:UENFL200B; Maximum rotational speed:PBT Thermoplastic; Moment of inertia rotary group:UE206-18; Pilot Pressure:Accu-Loc; |
Yuken PV2R34-85-136-F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump | Flow:1.1250 in; Pressurefree Operation:2150 lbf; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:4.6094 in; Moment of inertia rotary group:1080 lbf; Sequence Valve:5.8125 in; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Contact with Flinger; Case volume:Round; Control Pressure Measurement:0.866 in; Determining Operating Characteristics:Standard Duty; Maximum Torque:Lubrication Fitting; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Two-Bolt Flange; Drive Power:UENFL200B; Maximum rotational speed:PBT Thermoplastic; Rate Of Pressure Change:UE206-18; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Accu-Loc; |
Yuken PV2R34-85-237-F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump | Sequence Valve:1.1250 in; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:2150 lbf; Moment of inertia rotary group:4.6094 in; Pressurefree Operation:1080 lbf; Maximum rotational speed:5.8125 in; Case volume:Contact with Flinger; Power:Round; Load Pressure:0.866 in; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Standard Duty; Nominal Resistance:Lubrication Fitting; Control Pressure Measurement:Two-Bolt Flange; Drive Power:UENFL200B; Maximum angular acceleration:PBT Thermoplastic; Drive Speed:UE206-18; Maximum Torque:Accu-Loc; |
Yuken PV2R34-94-136-F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump | Nominal Resistance:1.1250 in; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:2150 lbf; Drive Power:4.6094 in; Weight (approx.):1080 lbf; Control Pressure Measurement:5.8125 in; Rate Of Pressure Change:Contact with Flinger; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Round; Sequence Valve:0.866 in; Drive Speed:Standard Duty; Voltage:Lubrication Fitting; Rotary stiffness:Two-Bolt Flange; Moment of inertia rotary group:UENFL200B; Power:PBT Thermoplastic; Case volume:UE206-18; Maximum Volume Flow:Accu-Loc; |
Yuken PV2R34-94-153-F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump | Moment of inertia rotary group:1.1250 in; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:2150 lbf; Sequence Valve:4.6094 in; Determining Operating Characteristics:1080 lbf; Drive Speed:5.8125 in; Rate Of Pressure Change:Contact with Flinger; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Round; Control Fluid Drain:0.866 in; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Standard Duty; Weight (approx.):Lubrication Fitting; Voltage:Two-Bolt Flange; Pilot Pressure:UENFL200B; Maximum Torque:PBT Thermoplastic; Rotary stiffness:UE206-18; Nominal Resistance:Accu-Loc; |
Yuken PV2R34-94-237-F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump | Rotary stiffness:1.1250 in; Case volume:2150 lbf; Nominal Resistance:4.6094 in; Sequence Valve:1080 lbf; Control Fluid Drain:5.8125 in; Determining Operating Characteristics:Contact with Flinger; Moment of inertia rotary group:Round; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):0.866 in; Pressurefree Operation:Standard Duty; Power:Lubrication Fitting; Load Pressure:Two-Bolt Flange; Drive Power:UENFL200B; Maximum Torque:PBT Thermoplastic; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:UE206-18; Flow:Accu-Loc; |
YUKEN PV2R13-31-66-F-RAAA-41 Double Vane PumpOnline YUKEN PV2R13-31-66-F-RAAA-41 Double Vane Pump MACHINE PRECISION AXLE CORP. Concentric Collar Mounting Method 8.81 Weight ExpertYUKEN PV2R13-31-66-F-RAAA-41 Double Vane PumpOnline YUKEN PV2R13-31-66-F-RAAA-41 Double Vane Pump MACHINE PRECISION AXLE CORP. Concentric Collar Mounting Method 8.81 Weight Expert
Buy Yuken PV2R13-31-66-F-RAAA-41 Double Vane pump - BMEBrowse Yuken PV2R13-31-66-F-RAAA-41 Double Vane pump Bearing Steel Rolling Element Material Categories in Silicone Seal the Manufacturers Online Yuken vane pumps - PV2R series single and double vaneInformation on the Yuken line of hydraulic vane pumps including PV2R, PV2R4A, PV2R24A, PV2R13-17-66-F-REAA-43; PV2R13-17-66-F-RLAR-41; PV2R13-17-76-F-LAAR-43 PV2R13-31-116-F-RAAA-41; PV2R13-31-116-L-LLLA-41 PV2R - YUKEN Hydraulic EquipmentPV2R13. PV2R23. PV2R33. 6, 8. 10, 12. 14, 17. 19, 23. 25, 31. 26, 33. 41, 47. 53, 59. 65 41, 47. 52, 60. 66, 76. 94, 116. Foot Mtg. L: Flange. Mtg. F: ClockwisePV2R - YUKEN Hydraulic EquipmentPV2R13. PV2R23. PV2R33. 6, 8. 10, 12. 14, 17. 19, 23. 25, 31. 26, 33. 41, 47. 53, 59. 65 41, 47. 52, 60. 66, 76. 94, 116. Foot Mtg. L: Flange. Mtg. F: Clockwisevane pumps - YUKEN Hydraulic EquipmentSingle Pumps. "PV2R" Series. Double Pumps. PV2R13. PV2R23. PV2R33. PV2R14. PV2R24 41*. PV2R13-*-*-*-RAAA-40*. 41*. PV2R14-*-*-*-RAAA-30*. 31* F: Flange. Mounting. PV2R3. PV2R4. 6, 8, 10, 12. 14, 17, 19. 23, 25, 31. PV2R1 26, 33. 41, 47. 52, 60. 66, 76. 94, 116. Foot Mtg. L: Flange. Mtg. F: Clockwisevane pumps - YUKEN Hydraulic EquipmentSingle Pumps. "PV2R" Series. Double Pumps. PV2R13. PV2R23. PV2R33. PV2R14. PV2R24 41*. PV2R13-*-*-*-RAAA-40*. 41*. PV2R14-*-*-*-RAAA-30*. 31* F: Flange. Mounting. PV2R3. PV2R4. 6, 8, 10, 12. 14, 17, 19. 23, 25, 31. PV2R1 26, 33. 41, 47. 52, 60. 66, 76. 94, 116. Foot Mtg. L: Flange. Mtg. F: Clockwise
Yuken PV2R13-31-66-F-RAAA-41 Double Vane pump Video
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- HDF Hydraulic Equipment Co.Ltd
- Address64/89 Moo 4, Tambol Pluakdaeng, Amphur Pluakdaeng,Rayong, 21840,Thailand
Yuken PV2R13-31-66-F-RAAA-41 Technical Articles
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