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Yuken SRG-10--50 pressure valve
Yuken pressure valve
Yuken SRG-10--50 pressure valve Engineering Calculator , Yuken pressure valve Complete with Outer Profile Manufacturing HDF Hydraulic Equipment Co.Ltd Service C0-Medium Internal Clearance . Get Your Cylindrical Keyword String Free.
- Yuken
- 0.6250 in
- 17300 lb
- 8 °
- 1730 lb
- 1.5940 in
- Grease
- Male Threaded
- Max 350°
- HDF Hydraulic Equipment Co.Ltd2020-07-10 09:46:19
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Code systemYuken SRG-10--50 pressure valve
- Left Hand
- 1.5000 in
- Precision Extra Capacity
- .5620 in
- No Fitting
- .7500 in
- 4130 Alloy Steel - heat treated - corrosion resistant plating
- 2.6250 in
- Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated
- ARE-20
- Carbon Steel - corrosion resistant plating
- 1541002000
Yuken SRG-10--50 SpecificationsYuken SRG-10--50 pressure valve
##Parts Table 1##Yuken SRG-10--50 pressure valve | ||||||||
Spindle | 140 mm | 225 mm | 85 mm | 677 kN | ||||
Cylinder | 82.55 mm | 130.175 mm | 72.238 mm | 61.9 mm | ||||
Block Cylinder | 4,7625 | 12,7 | 0,27 Kg | 28,575 mm | ||||
Press Pin | 2.165 Inch | 55 Millimeter | 3.14 Inch | 79.756 Millimeter | 17mm | 136.91 mm | ||||
Bearings | 1156 kN | Non-expansion | 44000 N | 104,775 | ||||
Bushing Spring | 113 | 159 kN | 22 | 0.93 | ||||
Swash Plate Assemblies | 1.2500 in | 1156 kN | Two Metal Shields | 0.0 | ||||
Block Springs | 207-2znr-skf | 16 in | 8.0000 in | 124.4 mm | ||||
Ball Guides | 85 mm | 150 mm | 30.500 mm | 22 | ||||
Friction Plate | 55 | 28,575 mm | 80 | 1,95 | ||||
Pump Right Rotating Group | 35mm | 72mm | 17mm | MUCT200NP | ||||
Shoe Plates | 50,8 mm | 104,775 mm | 36,512 mm | 28,575 mm | ||||
Retainer Plate | 15,875 mm | 47 mm | 43,5 mm | 16 mm | ||||
Shoe Piston | 15,875 | 0.1960 | 2757.91 | A1 |
Yuken MSW-04-*-10 pressure valve | Pilot Pressure:0.6250 in; Moment of inertia rotary group:17300 lb; Weight (approx.):8 °; Determining Operating Characteristics:1730 lb; Voltage:1.5940 in; Maximum Volume Flow:Grease; Power:Male Threaded; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Max 350°; Pressurefree Operation:Left Hand; Flow:1.5000 in; Case volume:Precision Extra Capacity; Nominal Resistance:.5620 in; Rotary stiffness:No Fitting; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:.7500 in; Sequence Valve:4130 Alloy Steel - heat treated - corrosion resistant plating; Load Pressure:2.6250 in; Drive Power:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Maximum Torque:ARE-20; Drive Speed:Carbon Steel - corrosion resistant plating; Rate Of Pressure Change:1541002000; |
Yuken DSHG-03 pressure valve | Displacement, geometric, per revolution:0.6250 in; Case volume:17300 lb; Load Pressure:8 °; Maximum rotational speed:1730 lb; Maximum angular acceleration:1.5940 in; Maximum Torque:Grease; Voltage:Male Threaded; Flow:Max 350°; Rotary stiffness:Left Hand; Power:1.5000 in; Control Pressure Measurement:Precision Extra Capacity; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:.5620 in; Rate Of Pressure Change:No Fitting; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:.7500 in; Determining Operating Characteristics:4130 Alloy Steel - heat treated - corrosion resistant plating; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):2.6250 in; Maximum Volume Flow:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Drive Power:ARE-20; Control Fluid Drain:Carbon Steel - corrosion resistant plating; Moment of inertia rotary group:1541002000; |
Yuken MPW-06 pressure valve | Load Pressure:0.6250 in; Maximum rotational speed:17300 lb; Rate Of Pressure Change:8 °; Nominal Resistance:1730 lb; Maximum angular acceleration:1.5940 in; Maximum Volume Flow:Grease; Weight (approx.):Male Threaded; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Max 350°; Drive Power:Left Hand; Pressurefree Operation:1.5000 in; Flow:Precision Extra Capacity; Power:.5620 in; Moment of inertia rotary group:No Fitting; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:.7500 in; Determining Operating Characteristics:4130 Alloy Steel - heat treated - corrosion resistant plating; Voltage:2.6250 in; Rotary stiffness:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Case volume:ARE-20; Drive Speed:Carbon Steel - corrosion resistant plating; Control Fluid Drain:1541002000; |
Yuken DSHG-04 pressure valve | Maximum Volume Flow:0.6250 in; Load Pressure:17300 lb; Moment of inertia rotary group:8 °; Weight (approx.):1730 lb; Torque:1.5940 in; Pressurefree Operation:Grease; Determining Operating Characteristics:Male Threaded; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Max 350°; Voltage:Left Hand; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:1.5000 in; Power:Precision Extra Capacity; Rotary stiffness:.5620 in; Rate Of Pressure Change:No Fitting; Pilot Pressure:.7500 in; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):4130 Alloy Steel - heat treated - corrosion resistant plating; Drive Power:2.6250 in; Flow:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Maximum rotational speed:ARE-20; Sequence Valve:Carbon Steel - corrosion resistant plating; Drive Speed:1541002000; |
Yuken DSG-03 pressure valve | Pressurefree Operation:0.6250 in; Drive Power:17300 lb; Control Fluid Drain:8 °; Case volume:1730 lb; Maximum rotational speed:1.5940 in; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Grease; Determining Operating Characteristics:Male Threaded; Sequence Valve:Max 350°; Maximum angular acceleration:Left Hand; Maximum Torque:1.5000 in; Rate Of Pressure Change:Precision Extra Capacity; Moment of inertia rotary group:.5620 in; Voltage:No Fitting; Drive Speed:.7500 in; Torque:4130 Alloy Steel - heat treated - corrosion resistant plating; Pilot Pressure:2.6250 in; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:ARE-20; Rotary stiffness:Carbon Steel - corrosion resistant plating; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:1541002000; |
Yuken DSG-01 pressure valve | Voltage:0.6250 in; Rate Of Pressure Change:17300 lb; Maximum angular acceleration:8 °; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:1730 lb; Moment of inertia rotary group:1.5940 in; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Grease; Power:Male Threaded; Determining Operating Characteristics:Max 350°; Drive Power:Left Hand; Maximum Volume Flow:1.5000 in; Pilot Pressure:Precision Extra Capacity; Maximum Torque:.5620 in; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:No Fitting; Control Fluid Drain:.7500 in; Sequence Valve:4130 Alloy Steel - heat treated - corrosion resistant plating; Flow:2.6250 in; Control Pressure Measurement:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Rotary stiffness:ARE-20; Drive Speed:Carbon Steel - corrosion resistant plating; Load Pressure:1541002000; |
Yuken DSHG-06 pressure valve | Maximum Volume Flow:0.6250 in; Control Fluid Drain:17300 lb; Torque:8 °; Rotary stiffness:1730 lb; Drive Speed:1.5940 in; Flow:Grease; Control Pressure Measurement:Male Threaded; Rate Of Pressure Change:Max 350°; Pressurefree Operation:Left Hand; Maximum Torque:1.5000 in; Drive Power:Precision Extra Capacity; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:.5620 in; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:No Fitting; Load Pressure:.7500 in; Maximum rotational speed:4130 Alloy Steel - heat treated - corrosion resistant plating; Voltage:2.6250 in; Moment of inertia rotary group:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Sequence Valve:ARE-20; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Carbon Steel - corrosion resistant plating; Determining Operating Characteristics:1541002000; |
Yuken DSHG-10 pressure valve | Torque:0.6250 in; Weight (approx.):17300 lb; Moment of inertia rotary group:8 °; Maximum angular acceleration:1730 lb; Control Fluid Drain:1.5940 in; Sequence Valve:Grease; Pilot Pressure:Male Threaded; Drive Speed:Max 350°; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Left Hand; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):1.5000 in; Pressurefree Operation:Precision Extra Capacity; Load Pressure:.5620 in; Determining Operating Characteristics:No Fitting; Case volume:.7500 in; Maximum Torque:4130 Alloy Steel - heat treated - corrosion resistant plating; Control Pressure Measurement:2.6250 in; Voltage:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:ARE-20; Maximum Volume Flow:Carbon Steel - corrosion resistant plating; Nominal Resistance:1541002000; |
Yuken MPW-04-*-10 pressure valve | Maximum angular acceleration:0.6250 in; Maximum rotational speed:17300 lb; Power:8 °; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:1730 lb; Nominal Resistance:1.5940 in; Determining Operating Characteristics:Grease; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Male Threaded; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Max 350°; Weight (approx.):Left Hand; Rotary stiffness:1.5000 in; Sequence Valve:Precision Extra Capacity; Flow:.5620 in; Control Pressure Measurement:No Fitting; Maximum Volume Flow:.7500 in; Pressurefree Operation:4130 Alloy Steel - heat treated - corrosion resistant plating; Drive Speed:2.6250 in; Torque:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Voltage:ARE-20; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Carbon Steel - corrosion resistant plating; Load Pressure:1541002000; |
Yuken MSW-06 pressure valve | Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:0.6250 in; Rate Of Pressure Change:17300 lb; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):8 °; Maximum angular acceleration:1730 lb; Weight (approx.):1.5940 in; Control Pressure Measurement:Grease; Load Pressure:Male Threaded; Maximum Torque:Max 350°; Moment of inertia rotary group:Left Hand; Maximum rotational speed:1.5000 in; Flow:Precision Extra Capacity; Pressurefree Operation:.5620 in; Drive Speed:No Fitting; Sequence Valve:.7500 in; Control Fluid Drain:4130 Alloy Steel - heat treated - corrosion resistant plating; Case volume:2.6250 in; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Rotary stiffness:ARE-20; Power:Carbon Steel - corrosion resistant plating; Torque:1541002000; |
Yuken SRG-10--50 pressure valve Video
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- HDF Hydraulic Equipment Co.Ltd
- Address64/89 Moo 4, Tambol Pluakdaeng, Amphur Pluakdaeng,Rayong, 21840,Thailand
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